You’re Genius in Something

Yeah insult, that what people always throw at others. Sometimes when you’re get so mad and all you could say is “Get your ass out of here you stupid piece of shit!” or when you see something really unusual and strange so you all you can say “This is stupid.” or “That’s stupid” or maybe “Absurd” – but it still express the same thing. Here’s the shit man, if you see something very unusual to you instead of insulting it maybe you can see how it works – and when it actually working, it ain’t count stupid. Albert Einstein said that we’re genius in something, all we have to do is find that one out. in yourself that you’re something worthy and a lot more than what people think of man. Stop focusing on what people judge on you. Focus on proving them wrong, and after that you can fuck their brain whole. That’s the greatest come back in life man.

It is a very old theory but famous through out decades, the theory of kinds of intelligence by American Psychologist Howard Gardener in 1983. He believed that there are 9 types of intelligence they are : 1) Naturalist 2) Musical 3) Existential 4) Interpersonal 5) Bodily-Kinesthetic 6) Linguistic 7) Intra-Personal 8) Spatial and 9) Logical-Mathematical. You can see the definition of each types below (source:

Maybe they’re true of saying that you’re stupid at something, but somewhat you’re also genius on the other thing. the way people only see someone else with short mind and didn’t even think of what other can capable of is really making me sick. You know people around me say that i am suck at counting shits, I admit that shit man. I don’t even understand math and some other shit like that, and people believe that i am retarded or something – hey but i understand basic math, don’t start thinking something really outrageous. However, when i read this theory when i was in senior high school, i admit it that i have skills in the other field. I called myself a gamer right, I learn English Language from games, and games taught me better than my teacher ever did (That’s true) so started from that step i realized that i am finally found that i am good at something – that’s language.

Look at other intelligence types like Existential – we always mock people who think to much about life – like the reason of living and death, and maybe people like this is actually very critical toward life and very wise if you’re willing to open your mind and talk to them instead of insulting them. The famous Dalai Lama is one of a kind man. You respected Dalai Lama but you look down other people whose types are almost the same as him (but not equal tho). I don’t say that we have to have only one types of intelligent, but you can acquire multiple of them after some learning process. I ain’t give up on learning math i could’ve got that logical-mathematical intelligence – but i do the opposite. Believe me you ain’t born stupid, nobody does – you’re born a genius.

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